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Here is the complete list of all functions described in the
The Intuition Library must have been opened before you may call
these functions, and you will probably have to include the file
"intution.h". For example:
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
/* Open the Intuition Library: */
IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 0 );
if( IntuitionBase == NULL )
exit(); /* Could NOT open the Intuition Library! */
... ...
/* Close the Intuition Library: */
CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase );
This function adds a gadget to the gadget list.
Synopsis: result = AddGadget( window, gadget, position );
result: (long) The actual position of the gadget when it
has been added.
window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window, to which
the gadget should be added.
gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which will
be added.
position: (long) Position in the gadget list. (Starts from
zero). Eg:
0 -> Before all other gadgets.
1 -> After the first gadget, but before the
If a too big value is entered (or -1), the gadget
will be placed last in the list.
Important, after your program has added the necessary
gadgets, you need to call the function RefreshGadgets() in
order to see your changes. You may add (or take away) several
gadgets, but when you are finished you must call that
This function will add a VSprite to the VSprite list.
Synopsis: AddVSprite( vsprite, rp );
vsprite: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to an initialized
VSprite structure.
rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
This function allocates both memory (same as AllocMem), but
will also allocate space for a Remember structure which are
initialized with the size of the allocated memory, and a
pointer to that memory. Each time the program allocates
memory with this function, the Remember structures are linked
Since the Remember structures contains all necessary
information about the memory, and are linked together, all
memory can be deallocated with one single function call
Synopsis: memory = AllocRemember( remember, size, type );
memory: (char *) Pointer to the new allocated memory, or
NULL if no memory could be allocated. Remember!
Never use memory which you have not successfully
remember: (struct Remember **) Address of a pointer to a
Remember structure. Before you call the
AllocRemember() function for the first time you
should set this pointer to NULL. (Note that it is
a pointer to a pointer!)
size: (long) The size (in bytes) of the memory you want.
(AllocMem() always allocates memory in multiples of
eight bytes. So if you only ask for 9 bytes, Exec
would actually give you 16 Bytes (2*8).)
type: (long) You need to choose one of the three
following types of memory (see chapter 0
INTRODUCTION for more information about Chip and
Fast memory):
MEMF_CHIP Chip memory. This memory can be
accessed by both the main processor, as
well as the Chips. Graphics/Sound data
MUST therefore be placed in Chip memory.
If it does not matter what type of
memory you get (Fast or Chip), you
should try to allocate Fast memory
before you allocate Chip memory. (Chip
memory is more valuable than Fast
MEMF_FAST Fast memory. This memory can only be
accessed by the main processor.
(Graphics and Sound data can NOT be
stored in Fast memory, use Chip memory.)
This memory is normally a little bit
faster than Chip memory, since only the
main processor is working with it, and
it is not disturbed by the Chips.
MEMF_PUBLIC If it does not matter what type of
memory you get (you do not intend to
use the memory for Graphics/Sound data),
you should use Fast memory. However,
all Amigas do not have Fast memory,
since you need to by a memory expansion
in order to get it. If want to tell
Exec that you would like to use Fast
memory if there is any, else use Chip
memory, you should ask for MEMF_PUBLIC.
If you want the allocated memory to be cleared
(initialized to zeros), you should set the flag
This function opens a Simple requester. Intuition will
automatically activate it and take care of the response from
the user. It will return TRUE if the left gadget was
selected, and FALSE if the right gadget was selected.
Synopsis: result = AutoRequest( my_window, info_txt, pos_txt,
neg_txt, pos_IDCMP, neg_IDCMP,
width, height );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a window if there
exist one, else NULL.
info_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
structure containing the "body text".
pos_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
structure containing the "positive text". Eg:
"TRUE", "YES", "RETRY" etc. (Optional)
neg_txt: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to an IntuiText
structure containing the "negative text". Eg:
"FALSE", "NO", "CANCEL" etc.
pos_IDCMP: (long) IDCMP flags which satisfy the "positive"
gadget. (The flag RELVERIFY is already set.)
pos_IDCMP: (long) IDCMP flags which satisfy the "negative"
gadget. (The flag RELVERIFY is already set.)
width: (long) How many pixels wide the requester should
height: (long) How many lines high the requester should
result: (long) Boolean value. The function returns TRUE if
the positive gadget was satisfied, and FALSE if
the negative gadget was satisfied.
This function will speed up your redrawing of the window. You
should call this function before you start to refresh the
window, and only the parts that needs to be redrawn are
Synopsis: BeginRefresh( my_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
This function disables a Double-menu requester. The user can
not open the requester any more.
Synopsis: result = ClearDMRequest( my_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
structure which the requester is connected to.
The DMRequest pointer in the Window structure
is set to NULL.
result: (long) If the function could disable the
DM-requester it returns TRUE, else (something
went wrong, the requester is in use etc) it
returns FALSE.
This function removes a menu strip from a window. Remember to
always remove the menu strip before you close the window, or
changes the menu strip.
Synopsis: ClearMenuStrip( my_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
menu strip should be removed.
This will remove the "custom" pointer, and replace it with
Intuition's default pointer.
Synopsis: ClearPointer( my_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
This function will close a Custom Screen which you have
previously opened.
Synopsis: CloseScreen( my_screen );
my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to an already opened
All windows (See chapter 2 WINDOWS for more information) on
your Screen MUST have been closed before you may close the
screen. If you close a window after the screen has been
closed, the system will crash. (Not recommended.)
If there does not exist any more screens when you close
yours, Intuition will automatically reopen the Workbench
This function will close a window you have previously opened.
Remember that you need to close all windows connected to a
screen before you may close the screen, and all opened
windows must have been closed before your program quits.
Synopsis: CloseWindow( my_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
This function will try to close the Workbench Screen if
possible. If any other programs is using the Workbench
Screen, the function can not close it. Closing the Workbench
will free some memory, and can therefore be used if your
program needs more memory.
(Remember to reopen the Workbench Screen when your program
Synopsis: result = CloseWorkBench();
result: (long) A boolean value which tell us if the
Workbench screen has been (or already was)
closed (TRUE), or not (FALSE).
This function gives the current time.
Synopsis: CurrentTime( seconds, micros );
seconds: (long *) Pointer to an ULONG variable which will be
initialized with the current seconds stamp.
micros: (long *) Pointer to an ULONG variable which will be
initialized with the current micros stamp.
This function activates an Alert message.
Synopsis: result = DisplayAlert( nr, message, height );
nr: (long) Value which describes if it is a
message: (char *) Pointer to an array of characters (char). It
contains the strings we want to display, and some
extra information (position etc). The string itself
is divided into substrings, which all contain
information about its position etc.
- 2 bytes (16-bit) which are used for the x position
of the text.
- 1 byte (8-bit) which is used for the y position of
the text.
- The text string which ends with a NULL ('\0') sign.
- A Continuation byte. If it is TRUE there is another
substring after this one, else this was the last
height: (long) The height of the Alert box.
result: (long) The function DisplayAlert() returns a boolean
value. If it is a RECOVERY_ALERT and the user pressed
the left mouse button it returns TRUE else, if the
user pressed the right mouse button, it returns
FALSE. If it is a DEADEND_ALERT the function will
immediate return FALSE.
This function flashes the screen's colours. Can be used
whenever you want to catch the user's attention.
Synopsis: DisplayBeep( screen );
screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen, which
colours you want to flash. If you have not opened
a screen yourself (you are using the Workbench
Screen), you can find a pointer to that screen
in the Window structure: (my_window is a pointer
to an opened window)
DisplayBeep( my_window->WScreen );
This function checks if the user double-clicked on one of the
mouse buttons. You give the function the current as well as
the previous time when the button was pressed, and it will
check the preferences and return TRUE if the two button
events happened within the time limit.
Synopsis: double = DoubleClick( sec1, mic1, sec2, mic2 );
double: (long) If the two button events happened within the
current time limit, the function will return TRUE,
else it will return FALSE.
sec1: (long) Time (seconds) when the button was pressed
for the first time.
mic1: (long) Time (micros) when the button was pressed
for the first time.
sec2: (long) Current time (seconds).
mic2: (long) Current Time (micros).
This function draws the specified Borders into a RastPort
Synopsis: DrawBorder( rast_port, border, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to a RastPort.
If the lines should be drawn in a window, and
my_window is a pointer to that window, you write:
If the lines should be drawn in a Screen, and
my_screen is a pointer to that screen, you write:
border: (struct Border *) Pointer to a Border structure
which has been initialized with your requirements.
x: (long) Number of pixels added to the x coordinates.
y: (long) Number of lines added to the y coordinates.
This function will draw the VSprites into the specified
Synopsis: DrawGList( rp, vp );
rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
vp: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
This function draws the specified images into a RastPort
Synopsis: DrawImage( rast_port, image, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to a RastPort.
If the images should be drawn in a window, and
my_window is a pointer to that window, you write:
If the images should be drawn in a Screen, and
my_screen is a pointer to that screen, you write:
image: (struct Image *) Pointer to an Image structure
which has been initialized with your requirements.
x: (long) Number of pixels added to the x position of
the image.
y: (long) Number of lines added to the y position of
the image.
This function will tell Intuition that you have finished with
your redrawings. IMPORTANT! If you receive a REFRESHWINDOW
message, you must call the functions BeginRefresh() and
EndRefresh(), even if you do not want to redraw anything.
Synopsis: EndRefresh( my_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
This function deactivates a requester which has been
Synopsis: EndRequest( my_requester, my_window );
my_requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
structure which will be removed.
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
structure which the requester is connected to.
This function deallocates all memory which has been allocated
by the AllocRemember() function. Note, you can deallocate all
Remember structures only, and deallocate the memory yourself,
if you want to.
Synopsis: FreeRemember( remember, everything );
remember: (struct Remember **) Address of a pointer to the
first Remember structure (initialized by the
AllocRemember() function). (Note that it is a
pointer to a pointer!)
everything: (long) A boolean value. If everything is equal
to TRUE, all memory (both the allocated memory
and the Remember structures) are deallocated.
However, if everything is equal to FALSE, only
the Remember structures are deallocated, and you
have to deallocate the memory yourself.
This function makes a copy of the default Preferences
Synopsis: pref = GetPrefs( buffer, size );
pref: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to the default
preferences. If the function could not make a copy
of the preferences, the function returns NULL.
buffer: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to the memory buffer
which should be used to store a copy of the default
preferences in.
size: (long) The number of bytes you want to copy to the
buffer. Important, the buffer must be at least as
big as the number of bytes you want to copy.
This function tries to get a message from a message port.
Synopsis: my_message = GetMsg( my_message_port );
my_message: (struct Message *) Pointer to a Message
structure, in this case a pointer to an
IntuiMessage structure, or NULL if no
message was collected.
my_message_port: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to an MsgPort. If
you have opened a window, you can find your
window's message port in the Window
structure. ( my_window->UserPort )
This function makes a copy of the Preferences structure.
Synopsis: pref = GetPrefs( buffer, size );
pref: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to your preferences.
Same as your memory pointer (buffer), but is
returned so you can check if you got a copy or not.
If you could not get a copy of the preferences, the
function returns NULL.
buffer: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to the memory buffer
which should be used to store a copy of the
preferences in.
size: (long) The number of bytes you want to copy to the
buffer. Important, the buffer must be at least as
big as the number of bytes you want to copy.
This function "gives" an already prepared GelsInfo structure
to the system.
Synopsis: InitGels( head, tail, ginfo );
head: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to the first "dummy"
VSprite structure.
tail: (struct VSprite *) Pointer to the second "dummy"
VSprite structure.
ginfo: (struct GelsInfo *) Pointer to an initialized GelsInfo
This function returns a pointer to the Menu or Item
structure which is specified by the menu number.
Synopsis: ItemAddress( my_menu, menu_number );
my_menu: (struct Menu *) Pointer to the first Menu
structure in the menu strip.
menu_number: (USHORT) This menu number specifies a subitem/
This function "locks" a file so no other processes may alter
the contents (SHARED_LOCK). You can even prevent other
processes to read the file (EXCLUSIVE_LOCK).
Synopsis: lock = Lock( name, mode );
lock: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileLock structure.
name: (char *) Pointer to a text string which contains
the file/directory name.
mode: (long) Accessmode:
SHARED_LOCK: Other tasks may read the file.
EXCLUSIVE_LOCK: No other tasks may use this f.
This function changes the Window structure's IDCMPFlags
Synopsis: ModifyIDCMP( my_window, IDCMPFlags );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to an already opened
IDCMPFlags: (long) None or more IDCMP flags.
If you call this function with no IDCMP flags set, the
window's IDCMP Ports will be closed. On the other hand, if
you call this function, with one or more IDCMP flags set, a
Port will be, if necessary, opened for you.
This function modifies a proportional gadget's values and
knob. For example, if your program is reading files from the
disk, VertBody was maybe equal to 0xFFFF (MAXBODY) in the
beginning, but as more files are collected from the disk, you
maybe want to change the size of the knob etc. You then
simply call this function and it will change the values as
well as redraw the gadget.
Synopsis: ModifyProp( gadget, window, requester, flags,
horiz_pot, vert_pot, horiz_body, vert_body );
gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the proportional
gadget which should be changed and redrawn.
window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
the proportional gadget is connected to.
requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected
to a requester, set this pointer to point to
that requester, else NULL. Important, if this
gadget is connected to a requester, it must be
displayed when you execute this command!
flags: (long) Here is the list of all flags you may
FREEHORIZ Set this bit if you want the
user to be able to move the
knob horizontally.
FREEVERT Set this bit if you want the
user to be able to move the
knob vertically.
AUTOKNOB Set this bit if you want that
the size of the knob to be
controlled by Intuition.
(HorizBody and VertBody
affects the size of the
- If you want to use
Intuition's Autoknob you
should give GadgetRender a
pointer to an Image structure.
(You do not need to initialize
the Image structure since
Intuition takes care of it.)
- If you on the other hand
would like to use your own
knob image, you give
GadgetRender a pointer to your
Image structure, which you have
initialized yourself.
PROPBORDERLESS Set this bit if you do not
want any border around the
(See chapter 4.7 for more information.)
horiz_pot: (long) This variable contains the actual
(horizontally) proportional value. If the knob
should be moved 25% to the right, HorizPot
should be set to 25% of MAXPOT (0xFFFF).
(0xFFFF * 0.25 = 0x3FFF)
vert_pot: (long) Same as HorizPot except that this is the
vertically proportional value.
horiz_body: (long) Describes how much HorizPot should change
every time the user clicks inside the container.
If the volume of a melody can be between 0-63
(64 steps), HorizPot should change 1/64 each
time. The HorizBody should therefore be set to:
1/64 * MAXBODY (0xFFFF) == 3FF
HorizBody describes also how much the user can
see/use of the entire data. For example, if you
have a list of 32 file names, and the user only
can see 8 names at one time (25%), the knob
(AUTOKNOB) should fill 25% of the container.
HorizBody should in this case be set to:
MAXBODY * 8 / 32 (25% of 0xFFFF) == 3FFFF
vert_body: Same as HorizBody except that it affects
VertPot, and the vertical size of the knob
This function will move the screen. For the moment you may
only move it vertically.
Synopsis: MoveScreen( my_screen, delta_x, delta_y );
my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
you want to move.
delta_x: (long) Number of pixels which the screen
should move horizontally. For the moment you
may not move a screen horizontally, set it
therefore to 0.
delta_y: (long) Number of lines which the screen should
move vertically.
This function will move a window. It has the same effect as
if the user would have moved the window by using the Drag
Synopsis: MoveWindow( my_window, delta_x, delta_y );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
delta_x: (long) Deltamovement horizontally.
delta_y: (long) Deltamovement vertically.
This function reorganizes the Copper list. This is why each
VSprite can have its own individual colour values.
Synopsis: MrgCop( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View structure which
copper list should be changed.
This function disables a gadget (sets the GADGDISABLED bit in
the gadget structure's Flags field):
Synopsis: OffGadget( gadget, window, requester );
gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which will
be disabled.
window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window that the
gadget is attached to.
requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected to
a requester, set this pointer to point to that
requester, else NULL. Important, if this gadget is
connected to a requester, it must be displayed
when you execute this command!
This function enables a gadget (removes the GADGDISABLED bit
in the gadget structure's Flags field):
Synopsis: OnGadget( gadget, window, requester );
gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which
will be enabled.
window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window that the
gadget is attached to.
requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected
to a requester, set this pointer to point to that
requester, else NULL. Important, if this gadget
is connected to a requester, it must be displayed
when you execute this command!
Remember, as long as the gadget is disabled the user can not
select it, and it will not broadcast any messages. A disabled
gadget is drawn as usual except that it "ghosted".
This function can disable a subitem, an item or even a whole
menu. The image or text of the disabled items etc will be
"ghosted", and the user can not select them.
Synopsis: OffMenu( my_window, menu_number );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
the menu strip is connected to.
menu_number: (USHORT) This menu number specifies what should
be disabled. Use the macros SHIFTMENU, SHIFTITEM
and SHIFTSUB to calculate the correct menu
number. If you just specify a menu, all items
to that menu will be disabled. If you specify
a menu and an item, that item will be disabled,
and so all subitems connected to it if there are
This function can enable a subitem, an item or even a whole
menu. The image or text of the enabled items etc, will become
normal (not "ghosted") and the user can now select them.
Synopsis: OnMenu( my_window, menu_number );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which
the menu strip is connected to.
menu_number: (USHORT) This menu number specifies what should
be enabled. Use the macros SHIFTMENU, SHIFTITEM
and SHIFTSUB to calculate the correct menu
number. If you just specify a menu, all items to
that menu will be enabled. If you specify a menu
and an item, that item will be enabled, so all
subitem connected to it if there are any.
This function will open a Custom Screen with your
Synopsis: my_screen = OpenScreen( my_new_screen );
my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to a Screen
structure. It will point to your newly opened
screen or be equal to NULL if the screen could
not be opened.
my_new_screen: (struct NewScreen *) Pointer to a NewScreen
structure which contains your preferences.
This function will open a window with the characteristics
defined in the NewWindow structure. It returns a pointer
to a Window structure.
If you are going to use the Workbench screen, and it has
been closed, it will automatically reopen. If you on the
other hand is going to connect the window to a Custom screen,
you need to open it yourself before calling the OpenWindow()
Synopsis: my_window = OpenWindow( my_new_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
or NULL if the window could not be opened.
my_new_window: (struct NewWindow *) Pointer to a NewWindow
structure which has been initialized with
your requirements.
This function will try to open the Workbench Screen if there
exist enough memory.
Synopsis: result = OpenWorkBench();
result: (long) A boolean value which tell us if the
Workbench Screen has been (or already was)
opened (TRUE), or not (FALSE).
This function prints text into a RastPort (Screen/Window).
Synopsis: PrintIText( rast_port, intui_text, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to a RastPort.
If the text should be printed in a window, and
my_window is a pointer to that window, you write:
If the text should be printed in a Screen, and
my_screen is a pointer to that screen, you write:
intui_text: (struct IntuiText *) Pointer to a IntuiText
structure which has been initialized with your
x: (long) Number of pixels added to the x position
of the characters.
y: (long) Number of lines added to the y position
of the characters.
This function redraws all the gadgets in the list, starting
by the specified gadget. If you for example has added or
deleted a gadget you need to call this function to see the
changes. On the other hand, if you have changed the imagery
of a gadget, or the gadget's image has been trashed by
something, you can also use this function to refresh the
Synopsis: RefreshGadgets( gadget, window, requester);
gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget where the
redrawing should start. This gadget, and all the
following gadgets in the list will be redrawn.
window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which the
gadgets are connected to.
requester: (struct Requester *) If the gadget is connected to
a requester, set this pointer to point to that
requester, else NULL. Important, if this gadget is
connected to a requester, it must be displayed
when you execute this command! (See chapter 5
REQUESTERS for more information about requesters.)
This function removes a gadget from the list:
Synopsis: result = RemoveGadget( window, gadget );
result: (long) The position of the removed gadget or -1 if
something went wrong.
window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window that the
gadget is connected to.
gadget: (struct Gadget *) Pointer to the gadget which will
be removed.
Important, after your program has removed the necessary
gadgets, you need to call the function RefreshGadgets() in
order to see your changes. You may take away (or add) several
gadgets, but when you are finished you must call that
This function tells Intuition that you have finished reading
the message. Remember, once you have replied you may not
examine or change the IntuiMessage structure any more.
Synopsis: ReplyMsg( my_message );
my_message: (struct Message *) Pointer to a Message
structure, in this case a pointer to an
IntuiMessage structure.
You can call this function if you want the window to start/
stop reporting the mouse position. (See chapter 8 IDCMP for
more information about REPORTMOUSE.)
Synopsis: ReportMouse( my_window, boolean );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
boolean: (long) Set to TRUE if you want the window to start
reporting mouse position, else set to FALSE, and
the window will stop reporting.
This function activates a requester connected to a window.
Synopsis: result = Request( my_requester, my_window );
my_requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window
structure which the requester should be
connected to.
result: (long) Boolean value returned. If Intuition
could successfully open the requester the
function returns TRUE, else (something went
wrong, not enough memory etc) the function
returns FALSE.
This will move the screen behind all other screens.
Synopsis: ScreenToBack( my_screen );
my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
you want to move.
This will move the screen in front of all other screens.
Synopsis: ScreenToFront( my_screen );
my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen which
you want to move.
This function allows the user to activate a Double-menu
requester by clicking twice on the mouse menu button.
Synopsis: result = SetDMRequest( window, requester );
window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the Window structure
which the requester should be connected to.
requester: (struct Requester *) Pointer to the Requester
result: (long) Boolean value returned. If Intuition could
successfully open the requester the function
returns TRUE, else (something went wrong, not
enough memory or a DM requester is already
connected to the window, etc) the function returns
This function connects a menu strip to a window. Remember
that the window must have been opened before you may connect
a menu strip to that window.
Synopsis: SetMenuStrip( my_window, my_menu );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to the window which the
menu strip should be connected to.
my_menu: (struct Menu *) Pointer to the first Menu
structure in the menu strip.
This function allows you to change the window's pointer.
Synopsis: SetPointer( my_window, data, height, width, x, y );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
data: (short *) Pointer to the Sprite data.
width: (long) The width of the pointer. Less or equal
to 16.
height: (long) The height of the pointer. Can be any
x: (long) The pointer's "Hot Spot" x position.
y: (long) The pointer's "Hot Spot" y position.
This function saves a modified preferences structure. Do NOT
change the preferences unless the user really WANTS to!
Synopsis: SetPrefs( pref, size, doit );
pref: (struct Preferences *) Pointer to your modified
Preferences structure.
size: (long) The number of bytes you want to change.
doit: (long) Boolean value which if FALSE, changes the
preferences, but will not send a NEWPREFS message.
If doit is equal to TRUE, the settings will be
changed, and a NEWPREFS message will be sent.
As long as the user is changing the values, doit
should be FALSE, but when the user has finished,
set it to TRUE, and all programs will get a NEWPREFS
This function allows you to change the window title after the
window has been opened.
Synopsis: SetWindowTitles( my_window, window_t, screen_t );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
window_t: (char *) Pointer to a NULL-terminated string which
will become the window's title, or
0 : clear title bar, or
-1 : keep the old title.
screen_t: (char *) Pointer to a NULL-terminated string which
will become the window's screen title, or
0 : clear title bar, or
-1 : keep the old title.
This function will make the screen's Title appear above or
behind any Backdrop Windows (See chapter 2 WINDOWS for more
information about Backdrop Windows). (The screen's title
appear always behind normal windows.)
Synopsis: ShowTitle( my_screen, show_it );
my_screen: (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen.
show_it: (long) A boolean value which can be:
TRUE: The title will be in front of any
Backdrop Windows, but behind any
other windows.
FALSE: The Title will be behind any windows
This function will change the size of the window as desired.
It has the same effect as if the user would have resized the
window by using the Size Gadget.
Synopsis: SizeWindow( my_window, delta_x, delta_y );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
delta_x: (long) Number of pixels the horizontally size of
the window will change.
delta_y: (long) Number of pixels the vertically size of the
window will change.
This function will reorganize the VSprite list so that the
further down on the display the sprites are positioned the
later they will appear in the list.
Synopsis: SortGList( rp );
rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort.
This will move the Workbench Screen behind all other screens.
Synopsis: result = WBenchToBack();
result: (long) A boolean value which is TRUE if the
Workbench screen was open, or FALSE it it was
This will move the Workbench Screen in front of all other
Synopsis: result = WBenchToFront();
result: (long) A boolean value which is TRUE if the
Workbench screen was open, or FALSE it it was
This function will change the maximum/minimum size limits of
the window. Any values which are set to 0 will remain
Synopsis: WindowLimits( my_window, min_w, min_h, max_w, max_h );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
min_w: (long) Minimum width of the window.
min_h: (long) Minimum height of the window.
max_w: (long) Maximum width of the window.
max_h: (long) Maximum height of the window.
This function will put the window in front of all other
Synopsis: WindowToFront( my_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
This function will push the window behind all other windows.
Synopsis: WindowToBack( my_window );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to a Window structure
which has previously been initialized by an
OpenWindow() call.
The Graphics Library must have been opened before you may call
these functions. For example:
struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
/* Open the Graphics Library: */
GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 0 );
if( GfxBase == NULL )
exit(); /* Could NOT open the Graphics Library! */
... ...
/* Close the Graphics Library: */
CloseLibrary( GfxBase );
This function reserves display memory (one BitPlane).
Synopsis: pointer = AllocRaster( width, height );
pointer (PLANEPTR) Pointer to the allocated memory or NULL
if enough memory could not be reserved.
width: (long) The width of the BitMap.
height: (long) The height of the BitMap.
This function will add a new vertex to the vector list.
Synopsis: AreaDraw( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) New X position.
y: (long) New Y position.
This function will close, draw and fill the polygon.
Synopsis: AreaEnd( rast_port );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
This function will start a new polygon.
Synopsis: AreaMove( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) Start X position.
y: (long) Start Y position.
This function copies parts of BitMaps directly without
worrying about overlapping layers.
Synopsis: BltBitMap( sb, sx, sy, db, dx, dy, w, h, fl, m, t );
sb: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the "source" BitMap.
sx: (long) X offset, source.
sy: (long) Y offset, source.
db: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the "destination"
dx: (long) X offset, destination.
dy: (long) Y offset, destination.
w: (long) The width of the memory area that should be
h: (long) The height of the memory area that should be
fl: (long) The four leftmost bits tells the blitter
what kind of logically operations should be done.
m: (long) You can here define a BitMap mask, and tell
the blitter which BitPlanes should be used, and
which should not. The first bit represents the
first BitPlane, the second bit the second BitPlane
and so on. If the bit is on (1) the corresponding
BitPlane will be used, else (0) the BitPlane will
not be used. To turn off BitPlane zero and two, set
the mask value to 0xFA (11111010). To use all
BitPlanes set the mask value to 0xFF (11111111).
t: (char *) If the copy overlaps and this pointer
points to some chip-memory, the memory will be used
to store the temporary area in. However, normally
you do not need to bother about this value.
This function clears large rectangular memory areas. This
function work together with the blitter and is therefore very
Synopsis: BltClear( pointer, bytes, flags );
pointer (char *) Pointer to the memory.
bytes: (long) The lower 16 bits tells the blitter how many
bytes per row, and the upper 16 bits how many rows.
This value is automatically calculated for you with
help of the macro RASSIZE(). Just give RASSIZE()
the correct width and height and it will return the
correct value. [RASSIZE() is defined in file
flags: (long) Set bit 0 to force the function to wait
until the Blitter has finished with your request.
This macro (declared in file "gfxmacro.h") will turn off the
outline mode.
Synopsis: BNDROFF( rast_port );
rast_port: Pointer to the RastPort which outlinefunction
should be turned off.
This function copies parts of BitMaps with help of Rastports
and will therefore care about overlapping layers, and should
be used if you have windows on your display.
Synopsis: ClipBlit( srp, sx, sy, drp, dx, dy, w, h, flag );
srp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the "source"
sx: (long) X offset, source.
sy: (long) Y offset, source.
drp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the "destination"
dx: (long) X offset, destination.
dy: (long) Y offset, destination.
w: (long) The width of the memory area that should be
h: (long) The height of the memory area that should be
flag: (long) This value tells the blitter what kind of
logically operations should be done. See below for
more information.
This function draws single lines from the current position
to the new specified position.
Synopsis: Draw( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) The new X position.
y: (long) The new Y position.
This function will flood fill complicated objects.
Synopsis: Flood( rast_port, mode, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
mode: (long) Which mode should be used. If you want to
use the Colour mode set the mode variable to 1, to
get the Outline mode set the mode variable to 0.
x: (long) X position where the flood fill should
y: (long) Y position where the flood fill should
This function deallocates the memory that was allocated by
the GetColorMap() function. Remember to deallocate all memory
that you allocate. For every GetColorMap() function there
should be one FreeColorMap() function.
FreeColorMap( colormap );
colormap: (struct ColorMap *) Pointer to a ColorMap structure
that GetColorMap() returned and you now want to
This function will return all memory that was automatically
allocated by the MrgCop() function.
Synopsis: FreeCprList( cprlist );
cprlist: (struct cprlist *) Pointer to the View's cprlist
(LOFCprList) structure. If the View was interlaced
you must also call the FreeCprList function with a
pointer to the SHFCprList.
This function will deallocate display memory (BitPlane).
Remember to deallocate all BitPlanes!
Synopsis: FreeRaster( bitplane, width, height );
bitplane: (PLANEPTR) Pointer to a Bitplane.
width: (long) The Bitplane's width.
height: (long) The Bitplane's height.
This function will return all memory that was automatically
allocated by the MakeVPort() function. Remember to call
FreeVPortCopLists() for every ViewPort you have created!
Synopsis: FreeVPortCopLists( viewport );
view: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
This function allocates and initializes a ColorMap structure.
Synopsis: colormap = GetColorMap( colours );
colormap: (struct ColorMap *) GetColorMap returns a pointer
to the ColorMap structure it has allocated and
initialized, or NULL if not enough memory.
colours: (long) A value specifying how many colours you
want that the ColorMap structure should store.
(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)
This function initializes a BitMap structure.
Synopsis: InitBitMap( bitmap, depth, width, height );
bitmap: (struct BitMap *) Pointer to the BitMap.
depth: (long) How many BitPlanes used.
width: (long) The width of the raster.
height: (long) The height of the raster.
This function initializes a RastPort.
Synopsis: InitRastPort( rast_port );
rast_port: (RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that should
be Initialized.
This function will initialize a View structure.
Synopsis: InitView( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View that should be
This function will initialize a ViewPort structure.
Synopsis: InitVPort( view_port );
view_port: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort that
should be initialized.
This function prepares the Amiga's hardware (especially the
Copper) to display a ViewPort. NOTE! You have to prepare
EVERY ViewPort you are going to use!
Synopsis: MakeVPort( view, viewport );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the ViewPort's View.
viewport: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to the ViewPort.
This function moves the cursor.
Synopsis: Move( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) The new X position.
y: (long) The new Y position.
This function puts together all displayinstructions and
prepares the view to be showed.
Synopsis: MrgCop( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View.
This function will start showing a View. Remember that when
you close your View you must switch back to the old view.
(See examples for more details.)
Synopsis: LoadView( view );
view: (struct View *) Pointer to the View.
This function will draw multiple lines.
Synopsis: PolyDraw( rast_port, number, coordinates );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
number: (long) The number of coordinates (x,y) defined
in the array.
coordinates: (short *) Pointer to an array of coordinates.
This function reads the colour value of a pixel.
Synopsis: colour = ReadPixel( rast_port, x, y );
colour: (long) ReadPixel returns the colour value of the
specified pixel (colour 0 - 255 ) or -1 if the
coordinates were outside the Raster.
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort which
contain the pixel you want to examine.
x: (long) X position of the pixel.
y: (long) Y position of the pixel.
This function will draw filled rectangles.
Synopsis: RectFill( rast_port, minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
minx: (long) Left position of the rectangle.
miny: (long) Top - " -
maxx: (long) Right - " -
maxy: (long) Bottom - " -
This function will set the area pattern:
Synopsis: SetAfPt( rast_port, area_pattern, pow2 );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort
that should be affected.
area_pattern: (UWORD) Pointer to an array of UWORDS that
generate the pattern. Each bit in the array
represents one dot.
pow2: (BYTE) The pattern must be two to the power of
pow2 lines tall. If the pattern is one line tall
pow2 should be set to 0, if the pattern is two
lines tall pow2 should be set to 1, if the
pattern is four lines tall pow2 should be set to
2, and so on. (If you use multicoloured patterns
the pow2 should be negative. A sixteen lines
tall multicoloured pattern should therefore have
the pow2 value set to -4 [2^4 = 16].)
This function will change the FgPen's colour.
Synopsis: SetAPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
This function will change the BgPen's colour.
Synopsis: SetBPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
This function will change the drawing mode.
Synopsis: SetDrMd( rast_port, new_mode );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_mode: (long) The new drawing mode. Set one of the
JAM1 The FgPen will be used, the
background unchanged. (One colour
jammed into a Raster.)
JAM2 The FgPen will be used as foreground
pen while the background (when you
are writing text for example) will
be filled with the BgPen's colour.
(Two colours are jammed into a
COMPLEMENT Each pixel affected will be drawn
with the binary complement colour.
Where you write 1's the
corresponding bit in the Raster
will be reversed.
INVERSVID|JAM1 This mode is only use together with
text. Only the background of the
text will be drawn with the FgPen.
INVERSVID|JAM2 This mode is only use together with
text. The background of the text
will be drawn with the FgPen, and
the characters itself with the
This function will set the line pattern.
Synopsis: SetDrPt( rast_port, line_pattern );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort
that should be affected.
line_pattern: (UWORD) The pattern. Each bit represents one
dot. To generate solid lines you set the
pattern value to 0xFFFF [hex] (1111111111111111
This macro will change the AOlPen's colour. Note! This is not
a function. It is actually a macro that is defined in the
header file "gfxmacros.h". If you want to use this function
you have to remember to include this file.
Synopsis: SetOPen( rast_port, new_colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
new_colour: (long) A new colour value.
This function sets a whole Raster to a specific colour.
Synopsis: SetRast( rast_port, colour );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
colour: (long) The colour reg. you want to fill the whole
raster with.
This function allows you to change your screen's colours.
Each colour may be picked out of a 4096 colour palette. (16
levels of red, 16 levels of green and 16 levels of blue;
16*16*16 = 4096.)
IMPORTANT! Before you may use this function you must have
opened the Graphics Library. (All other functions are in the
Intuition Library.) (See chapter 0 AMIGA for more
Synopsis: SetRGB4( viewport, register, red, green, blue );
viewport: (struct ViewPort *) Pointer to a ViewPort which
colour registers we are going to change. We can
find the screen's ViewPort in the Screen
structure. (If my_screen is a pointer to a Screen
structure, this will get us a pointer to that
screen's ViewPort: &my_screen->ViewPort)
register: (long) The colour register you want to change.
The screen's Depth decides how many colour
registers the screen have:
Depth Colour Registers
1 0 - 1
2 0 - 3
3 0 - 7
4 0 - 15
5 0 - 31
6 0 - 63
red: Amount of red. (0 - 15)
green: Amount of green. (0 - 15 )
blue: Amount of blue. (0 - 15 )
Eg: SetRGB4( &my_screen->ViewPort, 2, 15, 15, 0 ); will
change colour register 2 to be light yellow. (Red and green
together will be yellow.)
This function will scroll a rectangular area of a raster.
Synopsis: ScrollRaster( rp, dx, dy, minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
rp: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
dx: (long) Delta X movement. (A positive number moves
the area to the right, a negative number to the
dy: (long) Delta Y movement. (A positive number moves
the area down, a negative number up.)
minx: (long) Left edge of the rectangle.
miny: (long) Top edge of the rectangle.
maxx: (long) Right edge of the rectangle.
maxy: (long) Bottom edge of the rectangle.
This function prints text into a Raster.
Synopsis: Text( rast_port, string, nr_of_chr );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
string: (char *) Pointer to a text string that will be
nr_of_chr: (long) The number of characters that should be
This function will draw a single pixel.
Synopsis: WritePixel( rast_port, x, y );
rast_port: (struct RastPort *) Pointer to the RastPort that
should be affected.
x: (long) X position of the pixel.
y: (long) Y position of the pixel.
This function allocates memory. You specifies what type and
how much you want, and it returns a pointer to the allocated
memory, or NULL if there did not exist enough memory.
Synopsis: memory = AllocMem( size, type );
memory: (void *) Pointer to the new allocated memory, or
NULL if no memory could be allocated. Remember!
Never use memory which you have not successfully
size: (long) The size (in bytes) of the memory you want.
(AllocMem() always allocates memory in multiples of
eight bytes. So if you only ask for 9 bytes, Exec
would actually give you 16 Bytes (2*8).)
type: (long) You need to choose one of the three
following types of memory (see chapter 0
INTRODUCTION for more information about Chip and
Fast memory):
MEMF_CHIP Chip memory. This memory can be
accessed by both the main processor, as
well as the Chips. Graphics/Sound data
MUST therefore be placed in Chip memory.
If it does not matter what type of
memory you get (Fast or Chip), you
should try to allocate Fast memory
before you allocate Chip memory. (Chip
memory is more valuable than Fast
MEMF_FAST Fast memory. This memory can only be
accessed by the main processor.
(Graphics and Sound data can NOT be
stored in Fast memory, use Chip memory.)
This memory is normally a little bit
faster than Chip memory, since only the
main processor is working with it, and
it is not disturbed by the Chips.
MEMF_PUBLIC If it does not matter what type of
memory you get (you do not intend to
use the memory for Graphics/Sound data),
you should use Fast memory. However,
all Amigas do not have Fast memory,
since you need to by a memory expansion
in order to get it. If want to tell
Exec that you would like to use Fast
memory if there is any, else use Chip
memory, you should ask for MEMF_PUBLIC.
If you want the allocated memory to be cleared
(initialized to zeros), you should set the flag
This function deallocated previously allocated memory.
Remember to deallocate all memory you have taken, and never
deallocate memory which you have not taken.
Synopsis: FreeMem( memory, size );
memory (void *) Pointer to some memory which has
previously been allocated. Remember! never use
memory which has been deallocated.
size (long) The size (in bytes) of the memory you want
to deallocate.
This function closes an already opened file. Remember to
close ALL files you have opened!
Synopsis: Close( file_handle );
file_handle: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileHandle
structure which has been initialized by a
previous Open() call.
This function creates a new directory, AND "locks" is
automatically. (Remember to unlock the directory later on.)
Synopsis: lock = CreateDir( name );
lock: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileLock structure.
If lock is equal to NULL, AmigaDOS have not been
able to create the new directory.
name: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the name
of the new directory.
This function makes a specified directory "current
directory". You need to lock the new directory (new_lock)
before you can make it the current directory. The function
returns the old current directories lock so you can unlock
it if necessary.
Synopsis: old_lock = CurrentDir( new_lock );
old_lock: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileLock structure.
It is the old current directory lock.
new_lock: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileLock structure.
The new current directory lock.
This function deletes a file or directory. Remember that
a directory must be empty before it can be deleted.
Synopsis: ok = DeleteFile( name );
ok: (long) Actually a Boolean. It is TRUE if AmigaDOS
could delete the file/directory, else FALSE which
means something went wrong. (Eg. disk write-
protected, directory not empty etc.)
name: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the name
of the file/directory you want to delete.
This function returns information about a specified disk. You
specify which disk by either lock that disk, or a file/
directory on that disk.
Synopsis: ok = Info( lock, info_data );
ok: (long) Actually a Boolean. It is TRUE if AmigaDOS
could get information about the disk, else FALSE
which means something went wrong.
lock: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileLock structure.
info_data: (struct InfoData *) Pointer to an InfoData
structure which will be initialized by the Info()
function. The problem with this structure is that
it must be on a four byte boundary, so you need
to use the function AllocMem() to get the right
type of memory for the structure. (See Example.)
This function can be used to get more information about an
error message. Whenever you have used an AmigaDOS function
which did not work properly (you have received an error
message), you call this function and it will return an
Synopsis: error = IoErr();
error: (long) This field contains a flag returned by
IoErr() which can be: (I do not think I need
to explain what they mean.)
This function opens a file. Remember, before you can read/
write files you have to open them.
Synopsis: file_handle = Open( file_name, mode );
file_handle: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileHandle
structure. If the system could not open the file
with our requirements Open() returns NULL.
file_name: (char *) Pointer to a text string which contains
the file name including any necessary devices/
mode: (long) When you open a file you need to tell the
system what you are going to do with it. This
field should therefore contain one of the
following flags:
MODE_OLDFILE: Opens an existing file for
reading and writing.
MODE_NEWFILE: Opens a new file for writing.
(If the file already exist it
is deleted.)
MODE_READWRITE: Opens an old file with an
exclusive lock. (The file is
automatically locked with an
This function reads a specified number of bytes from a file.
Synopsis: bytes_read = Read( file_handle, buffer, size );
bytes_read: (long) Number of bytes actually read. Even if
you tell AmigaDOS that you want to read x
number of bytes, it is not certain that you
actually can do it. The file is maybe corrupted,
not as big as you thought etc.
file_handle: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileHandle
structure which has been initialized by a
previous Open() call.
buffer: (char *) Pointer to the data buffer you want to
read the data into.
size: (long) Number of bytes you want to read.
This function renames a file or directory. You can even
move a file between directories by renaming it. (For example,
Rename( "df0:Documents/Sale.doc", "df0:Letters/Sale.doc" );
will move the file Sale.doc from the directory "Documents"
to directory "Letters". Note! You can not rename a file from
one volume to another.)
Synopsis: ok = Rename( old_name, new_name );
ok: (long) Actually a Boolean. It is TRUE if AmigaDOS
could rename the file/directory, else FALSE which
means something went wrong. (Eg. disk write
old_name: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the old
file/directory name.
new_name: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the new
file/directory name.
This function moves the "file cursor" inside a file:
Synopsis: old_pos = Seek( file_handle, new_pos, mode );
old_pos: (long) Previous position in the file, or -1 if
an error occurred.
file_handle: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileHandle
structure which has been initialized by a
previous Open() call.
new_pos: (long) New position relative to the "mode".
mode: (long) The new_pos can be relative to:
OFFSET_BEGINNING: Beginning of the file.
OFFSET_CURRENT: Current position.
OFFSET_END: The end of the file.
This function attach a comment to a file or directory.
Synopsis: ok = SetComment( name, comment );
ok: (long) Actually a Boolean. It is TRUE if AmigaDOS
could attach the new comment, else FALSE which
means something went wrong. (Eg. disk write-
name: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the name
of the file/directory you want to attach the
comment to.
comment: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the
comment. (A comment may be up to 80 characters
This function alters the protection bits of a file.
You can set following flags:
FIBF_DELETE : the file/directory can not be deleted.
FIBF_EXECUTE : the file can not be executed.
FIBF_WRITE : you can not write to the file.
FIBF_READ : you can not read the file.
FIBF_ARCHIVE : Archive bit.
FIBF_PURE : Pure bit.
FIBF_SCRIPT : Script bit.
(Note! All of the flags are for the moment not working!)
Synopsis: ok = SetProtection( name, mask );
ok: (long) Actually a Boolean. It is TRUE if AmigaDOS
could alter the protection bits, else FALSE which
means something went wrong. (Eg. disk write-
name: (char *) Pointer to a string containing the name
of the file/directory you want to change the
protection bits.
mask: (long) The protection bits. (For example, if you
want to make the file/directory not deletable,
and that it can not be executed you should set the
protection bits: FIBF_DELETE | FIBF_EXECUTE.)
This function unlocks a previously locked file: (Remember to
unlock ALL files you have locked!)
Synopsis: Unlock( lock );
lock: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to FileLock structure
which has been initialized by a previous Lock()
This function writes a specified number of bytes to a file.
Synopsis: bytes_wr = Write( file_handle, buffer, size );
bytes_wr: (long) Number of bytes actually written. Even if
you tell AmigaDOS that you want to write x number
of bytes, it is not certain that you actually
can do it. Maybe the disk was full, write-
protected etc.
file_handle: (BPTR) Actually a pointer to a FileHandle
structure which has been initialized by a
previous Open() call.
buffer: (char *) Pointer to the data buffer which you
want to write.
size: (long) Number of bytes you want to write.